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UK Government buildings emit more CO2 than all of Kenya

"Public buildings in England and Wales are pumping out 11m tonnes of carbon dioxide a year, more than Kenya's entire carbon footprint, the Guardian can reveal."

Category: Climate Change


We need to turn carbon into gold

"ittle meaningful progress seems to have been made at the UN climate summit in Poznan, Poland, says Oliver Tickell, author of Kyoto2. In this week's Green Room, he calls on world leaders to back a deal that will raise the serious...

Category: Climate Change


Hundreds of Brazil's eco-warriors at risk of assassination

"Twenty years after the killing of Chico Mendes, one of the world's most prominent rainforest defenders, hundreds of human rights and environmental activists still face the threat of assassination in Brazil, a new study claims."

Category: Climate Change


Could climate goals survive Heathrow's third runway?

"If Britain is to meet its commitment to reducing emissions by 80% by 2050, can it afford to press ahead with Heathrow's proposed third runway? Supporters argue fiercely that it can - while opponents of airport expansion say...


Nasa hunts for its rubber ducks

"The US space agency has yet to find any trace of 90 bathtub toys that were dropped through holes in Greenland's ice three months ago in an effort to track the way the Arctic icecap is melting. Scientists threw the ducks into...

Category: Climate Change

Displaying results 611 to 615 out of 1185